戴 陈 连
Exhibition Dates: 2023.05.13, 16:00-16:30
Exhibition Location: Madeln Art Museum, Shanghai, china
Exhibited Works: performances
Live performance
04'01", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
美术馆剧场计划 Museum-Theatre Project
致谢 Thanks
项目统筹:陈莹 Project Coordinator: Chen Ying
动作指导:陆隽斐 Action Director: Lu Junfei
摄影&摄像: 孙天辰,吴建新 Photography & Video: Sun Tianchen, Wu Jianxin
策划团队:徐震,金锋,刘成瑞 Planning Team: Xu Zhen, Jin Feng, Liu Chengrui
项目支持:没顶美术馆 Project Support: Madeln Art Museum
Work Statement
Part of the "Actor" series of Dai Chenlian's theater project, the work focuses on the reasons why Lu Junfei, an actor the artist once worked with, studied communication engineering under the back-ground of the Reform and Opening-up policy and then entered a foreign-funded enterprise.The work consists of simple yet moving storytelling as well as a voiceover accompanied by a perfor-mance of movements related to professional foreign trade management. Lu taught Dai the basic postures of ballet, daily habitual movements and professional etiquette movements of foreign trade, which is not only the friendship of mutual learning after their reunion, but also the spiritual connection after the integration of their physical movements. In the space of Madeln Art Museum, where the relationship between abandonment and reconstruction fuse together, Dais presenting Lu with this performance, showing her confusion and happiness, past and present, retracing and reexamining Lut's histony of engaging in foreign trade affairs.(Foreigners provided equipment, raw materials, incoming samples and exporting products. In the meantime, Chinese enterprises provicded land, plants and labor. This mode of foreign trade and collaboration prevailed in the country after the Reform and Opening-up.) The work narrates a personal history belonging to Lu and a common memory of a generation.
Note: Lu Junfei is a Shanghai-native actor Dai previously worked with. She is engaged in foreign
trade management in the construction industry. She paiticipated in Dai's work during an exhibi-
tion during the pandemic. The two have been sending greetings to each other via WeChat but haven't met each other for two years. This exhibition signifies Dai and Lu's reunion.
Exhibition Dates: 2023.05.21, 19:00-20:30
Exhibition Location: The Cloisters Apartments, Shanghai, china
Exhibited Works: performances
Live performance
20'47", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
家庭剧场计划 Family-Theatre Project
致谢 Thanks
表演者:崔译,黄童,王铭珏,王曦 Performers: Cui Yi, Huang Tong, Wang Mingjue, Wang Xi
策划团队:金锋,曹书韵,王紫薇,陈诺,郑筱倩,谢紫晗,张露云 Event Planning Team: Jin Feng, Cao Shuyun, Wang Ziwei, Chen Nuo, Zheng Xiaoqian, Xie Zihan, Zhang Luyun
摄影:蒋淼,王懿泉 Photographer: Jiang Miao, Wang Yiquan
项目支持:美凯龙艺术中心,花厅计划 Project Support: Meikanglong Art Center, Flower Hall Project
Work Statement
This piece originates from the period when Covid-19 mass infection spread in China, when I was stranded in my hometown (Shaoxing) for a rest and used to go for walks along the river. I mix the sounds of the river at that time with the sounds from the history of Shanghai, using the sounds and sound fields as an index to link time and space and a clue to edit history. The personal narrative unfolds as a recurring reminder of the immediate, whilst the composite and intersecting sounds and images form an extended spatial and temporal overlay, taking us into multiple strange and magical spatial tunnels where time, events and people meet and disperse at numerous warp and weft points, allowing us to wander through the fragments of memory and reality. These fragments are in fact portraits of the group, as a tribute to those who are still alive and those who have passed away, and as a connection between memory and love in the post-epidemic era.
Exhibition Dates: 2023.10.29 – 2024.02.04
Exhibition Location: Mao Space, Shanghai, china
Exhibited Works: performances, Painting, videos, installations .
Live performance
34'11", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
画廊剧场计划 Gallery-Theatre Project
致谢 Thanks
展览总监:张莉娸 Director: Zhang Liqi
海报设计:王佃刚 Poster Design: Wang Diangang
建筑设计:左马 Architectural Design: Zuo Ma
表演设计:肖泽镧 Performance Design: Xiao Zelan
服装设计助理:卢肖颖 Costume Design Assistant: Lu Xiaoying
录像剪辑助理:朱丽瑾 Video Editing Assistant: Zhu Lijin
展览助理:龙冰奇,洪显婷,江嘉倩 Exhibition Assistants: Long Bingqi, Hong Xianting, Jiang Jiaqian
艺术家:肖武聪,赵轩,吴非,熊益儒,金锋,金亚楠,石青,赵川 Artists: Xiao Wucong, Zhao Xuan, Wu Fei, Xiong Yiru, Jin Feng, Jin Yanan, Shi Qing, Zhao Chuan
表演者:Rayban, 肖泽镧,朱丽瑾,卢肖颖,邵萌渝,唐继芳,郁桃玲,陈冬梅,沈佳虹,陆酱,朱敏,田兵,姜文安
Performers: Rayban, Xiao Zelan, Zhu Lijin, Lu Xiaoying, Shao Mengyu, Tang Jicai, Yu Taoling, Chen Dongmei, Shen Jiahong, Lu Jiang, Zhu Min, Tian Bing, Jiang Wen'an
展览支持:Mao Space / Exhibition support: Mao Space
Work Statement
In this exhibition, theatrical performances remain the core of the exhibition: combining the characteristics of the site space, the artist will divide the outdoor space and exhibition hall into real/inner world re-site domains. Taking Guangning Bridge in the artist's hometown of Shaoxing as the transformative spatial and temporal node, the artist combines body, video, and painting media to attempt a depiction of the era's portrait. The artist continues to use the "mass theater" form and brings people from life together again to awaken certain collective memories through body training.