戴 陈 连
Performance Dates: 2018-2019
Performance Location: National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (Seoul) , 2018.10.02-10.03,Ming Contemporary Art Museum (Shanghai) ,2018.10.12-10.13, SPIELART Festival (München),Einstein Cultural Center,2019.10.27-10.28,Tokyo festival world competition 2019,Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre , 2019.11.02
Artist and performer: Dai Chenlian
Set, Lighting and Sound Design: Dai Chenlian
Commissioned and produced by: Kim Seonghee
Dramaturgy: You Mi
Works: Live performance
Exhibition Dates: 2024.11.10-2025.01.10
Exhibition title:The Perfect Rath Hangzhou, Marco Polo's ''City of heacen''
Curated by Luigia Lonardelli
Exhibition Location: Art Museum of China Academy of Art
Exhibited Works: Video,Drawing, Painting,Installation,property
A project by La Biennale Venezia's Historical Archive and Art Museum of China Academy of Art to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the death of Marco Polo(1324-2024)
Live performance
49'19", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
美术馆剧场计划 Museum-Theatre Project
最佳作品奖 Award for Outstanding Show ( Tokyo Festival World Competition 2019 )
这是一个艺术家的剧院个展的录像,尝试在展览的立体空间中展开的“平面剧场”。剧场故事主线引用了《酉阳杂俎》 的一些片段重新组合成新的故事,并交织以风格化的个人记忆与日常生活碎片,以此纪念艺术家的外婆。
文本通过创造一个现实与梦想、鬼故事和个人记忆的世界,由此构建出时间的中断和重启,通过借用一个经典的纸影式样的表演来重写出与之相似的历史情节,通过一系列的绘画、装置、实物和影像的运动配合和视频的混合重组拓展并注释出关于表演的疆域。进入剧场艺术家如同再次回到一个记忆的隐场 —— 艺术家来自水乡绍兴,这也是鲁迅的家乡,鲁迅身为中国现代文学的奠基人、现代运动的旗手,同时也对《酉阳杂俎》情有独钟。
Work Statement
This is a video of the artist’s “solo theatre exhibition” — an attempt to create a “flat theatre” in the three-dimensional exhibition space. Its main storyline is a newly composed story based on certain parts of Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang, a book from the Tang Dynasty. The artist combines elements borrowed from the book with his personal memories of everyday life to create a dedication to his grandmother.
The work represents a world of dilemma, of reality and dream, and of ghost stories and personal memories. With a classic model of paper-cutting performance, the work calls for a rewriting of a certain history, and with a mixture of various media such as painting, installation, object and moving image, it attempts to restructure and extend the territory of performance. This theatre is a virtual field of the artist’s memories — Shaoxing, his hometown and Lu Xun’s hometown. Interestingly, Lu Xun, the seminal figure of Chinese modern literature and the leader of China’s new culture movement, was also a fan of Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyan.
In exhibition(s):
2018.10.02-10.03, Solo project: "Big Nothing" at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (Seoul)
2018.10.12-10.13, Solo project: "Big Nothing" at the Ming Contemporary Art Museum (Shanghai)
2019.10.27-10.28, Solo project: "Big Nothing" at the SPIELART Festival,Einstein Cultural Center (München)
Exhibition Dates: 2018.08.31, 6pm - 8pm
Exhibition Location: Boers-Li Gallery Blg Lab, Beijing
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Drawing, Painting.
Live performance
11'24", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/双频道录像 Theatre / double-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
画廊剧场计划 Gallery-Theatre Project
Work Statement
The Forgotten Movement of Pina Bausch is a double-screen video work that documented a Dai Chenlian performance piece specifically made for Boers-Li Gallery’s project space in Beijing. In the performance, four performers reenacted Pina Bausch’s Café Müller. In Bausch’s original work, the stage was set up as a café; in Dai’s work, a café and its outdoor areas were used as the stage. Outside the café, there is a road for cars and passersby, and a “spectator region” was set up on the other side of this road. As a result, the stage, the road, and the spectators formed a triptych of three different time-spaces — the performers dialoguing with the dancers in Café Müller from 40 years ago; the traffic on the road reminding people of the reality differentiating the stage and the spectators; and the camera symbolizing the gaze of the spectators. This double-screen video recorded both the indoor and outdoor scenes, but the timeline is rearranged to give a new interpretation.
A numbered sticker was put on every chair in the café. Each number referred to a gallery in the 798 Art District, which is where the work took place. In the performance, certain chairs were kicked over by the performers, and the corresponding galleries were “chosen” — the artist sent a coffee to each of these galleries the next morning as a gift. The artist regards this action as the forgotten movement of Pina Bausch, as he thinks it represents “this era of memory and forgetting, like how we create performances and exhibitions in the name of art and in the end always forget about art.” That free coffee is a reminder to us.
Exhibition Dates: 2018. 03. 15 - 03. 25
Exhibition Location: Cuizhu street, luohu district, shenzhen. Cotemporary Theatre Biennale, Shenzhen
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Drawing, Painting.
Live Performance
2018. 03. 15 - 03.25, 1pm - 5pm
Video5'24", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
文档剧场计划 Document-Theatre Project
Work Statement
This project takes apology as its source and uses the role of inter-performance editing as a form of projection of events, reflecting the multiple Point in time. An imaginary situation constructed from a vague memory, from which the time deduced from the situation is then connected to a real point in time and becomes action. The illusion derived from the real dialogue is constructed as a temporal event and used to create an overlap with the real performance. This creates a complex timeline between memory and apology. Just as paragraphs and sounds are crossed and juxtaposed on the editing line, sliding from one verb to another and moving forward with another noun.
Cui Zhu is a place name, located in Luohu District, Shenzhen. The deepest impression of Shenzhen is the term "Cuizhu", which is like a species of bamboo, but also like a name of a person. Wet, like an old sticky and narrow street. It is also like the name of a pop song, with a long love story. These narratives and imaginings end up weaving and extending stories about a time in Shenzhen, a few characters and those wind-blown lychee trees.
I started to search for my lover of that period based on my vague and fragmentary memories of more than 10 years, and started to recreate that period from some extremely vague memories and imagination. For a variety of reasons, we never saw each other again or had any contact with each other after we separated and I also did something wrong. After many years, because of a theatre biennial, these names, imaginations and memories were reconnected on the same plane. After thinking about it for a while, I still want to apologize to that former lover.