戴 陈 连
Exhibition Dates: 2017.07.15 - 09.03
Exhibition Location: A+ Contemporary, Shanghai
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Artistic installation, Drawing, Painting, Wall Painting.
Live performance
45‘00“, opening: 4:30 pmVideo
07'10", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
画廊剧场计划 Gallery-Theatre Project
Work Statement
This work, commissioned by A+ Contemporary Shanghai, continues the logic of the Family-Theatre Project. The exhibition is named after the famous poem “A Flowery Moonlit Night by the Spring River” by Zhang Ruoxu, The work consists of some sketches, an exhibition, and a live performance. It represents “multiple displays”, including a display of “textual landscape” (the combination of text and landscape-drama) and a display of “sound landscape” (a mixture of text, sound, and sounding effect). The exhibition includes a series of drawings, installations, paintings, and videos. Together, the work represents hidden and confusing feelings. It invites us to think of tall coconut trees, silent reefs, a transparently blue ocean, a cold iron chain, and acacia shivering in the wind. With the artist pursuing the historical clues left by a small raft as it drifted across the ocean and finally sought shelter in Shanghai, an invitation is granted to begin detailing and imagining the individual experiences of gallerists.
Exhibition Dates: 2017.03.30 - 04.30
Exhibition Location: Zero Space AMNUA, Nanjing
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Artistic installation, Drawing, Painting, Wall Painting.
Live performance
40‘00“, opening 2:30 pmVideo
7'16", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 黑白 black and white
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
美术馆剧场计划 Museum-Theatre Project
Work Statement
The exhibition includes performance sketches, paintings, installations and live performances. Chuan Chuan is a Nanjing girl whose parents have divorced though, always chasing her dreams. When she returned to Nanjing after studying in England, she wanted to create her own clothing brand.
It's about direct theatre in the form of 'display', with 'direct interception' instead of 'acting', and 'instruction' to cancel the subject and the The object, with a "display action" to connect the before and after of historical imaging. I invited Chuan Chuan and her mother to make costumes to reconcile the tension between mother and daughter, and invited local women volunteers to rehearse and Show. What connects the small family of Nanking to the museum are the discarded clothes, fabrics, quietly displayed objects and artwork. The curtains, cabinets and railings are placed there. Through the transformation of these objects and human semantic isomorphism, it is the grafting of events of similar situations in different time and space onto the site of an art museum, and then Stretching and tying together an ancient city and a girl who stumbles through life but still harbors a fairy tale.
Exhibition Dates: 2017.05.05 - 05.07
Exhibition Location: HELLERAU European Art Center , Dresden,Germany
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Artistic installation, Drawing, Painting, Wall Painting.
Exhibition Dates: 2017. 06.10
Exhibition Location: Cache Space, Beijing
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Drawing.
Work Statement
We used a striking technique of movement and silence in an enclosed space, where the actors kept their distance, but did not create a separation Subtle layers of light combined with scattered images of continuity hint at the intertextuality of performance and film, where quick edits will be Beginning. Rhythms and climaxes are rapid, a collage of video images, films, narrative impressions, and conversations with performers and voices. In this juxtaposition, we are freed from the experience of the "performance version" and allow the media images, machines, lighting structures, and The performers form an entangled process of listening, and we form a dynamic landscape of sound with the "language of sound" being spoken.