戴 陈 连
Exhibition Dates: 2013.12.05 - 2014.01.05
Exhibition Location:Action Space, Beijing
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Drawing.
Live Performance
2013.12.05 4pm - 5pm
2013.12.12 4pm - 5pm
2013.12.19 4pm - 5pm
2013.12.26 4pm - 5pm
4'20", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/四频道录像 Theatre / Four-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
画廊剧场计划 Gallery-Theatre Project
Work Statement
Action space will hold a Solo Exhibitions of the artist Dai Chenlian on December 5th 2013 to January 5th 2014 —《TIMESONG》
The exhibition have four Performance Time ,each part will present at 4:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Every Thursday.
The artist make the “time”,“memory”,“record” and “personal experience” into one's memory which is de ja Vu before.
Dai developed the the existing theater which can change and section-dissolving time narrative structure.It reengineering a similar theater space,Performers will simulate the show which made by artist for four times in a linear time.It will bring you an Integration of real and virtual ,The occurrence event is not follow the regulate time.The feeling of strangeness seems a blender which involved the time and the memory. This four-parts show give the viewer a sense of crack which related to the memory and time deviation.It will have a intermission when you enjoy the vision ,and it will make the second pause when you enjoy the real ground ,you can feel the distance of image and real.
This is a internal thought process of an artist, you will lose the direction by mixing time,so that the time becomes so isolate and motionless. Definitely you gonna feel a sense of extrusion and flattening.
收藏级打印, 尺寸可变, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/摄影 photography
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
文档剧场计划 Document-Theatre Project
Work Statement
Placing a scene in a similarly theatrical situation, the ‘performance’ is not defined as a presentation of a sequence of events and established reality, but as the outcome of ‘developing’ and ‘developing the image’, in favor of regarding the relationship between subject / object and the symbolic itself as the performance’s final form.
Exhibition Dates: 2013.04.14 - 04.21
Exhibition Location:Springhouse Exhibition, Collector's living room, Dresden, Germany
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Drawing.
Live Performance
15'00", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
家庭剧场计划 Family-Theatre Project
Work Statement
Abstracting four movement symbols from the contents of a letter which sent to my grandpa, viewing a kind of similarly specimen form, giving up making choice of the work’s displaying effect.