戴 陈 连
Exhibition Dates: 2009.12.19 - 12.20
Exhibition Location:DDM Warehouse , Shanghai
Exhibited Works: Live performance, Drawing, Painting.
Live performance
5'36", PAL, 1920 x 1080, 有声 sound, 彩色 color
类型 Type
剧场/单频道录像 Theatre / Single-channel video
视频版本 Video File Version
展览版本 Exhibition Copy
系列 Series
剧院剧场计划 -Theatre Project
Work Statement
Put together the segments that look like not so remarkable, such as the seemingly subtle preparation before the performance, the pause during the performance and simply looking at each other, to structure a not so amazing performance. We are waiting for a wonderful ‘show’, but the wonderful show has already begun.